Retrievers of Truthiness...and friends
Could these images be ROT calling cards, signals that they were hot on Persephone's trail. The first one actually says, "Persephone if you can read this we know who you are." I think they've been around, and hacking, since Act 1--I can't figure out on whose behalf they're working.
It's interesting they’ve recently left the scene.
Departed--Vincent “Wally” Bole wrote that he is now on his way to
Missing/presumed dead: Interestingly, mathematician
Departed: BBB has also recently packed up and departed for destinations unknown
And does Mandrake Wig fit into this group? MW…Middelwerk?
Here's more on that...question and others
What is your opinion of Mittlewerk?
I think there are two:
What is your opinion of Hugh/Darla/Gidgetgirl?
Why did they have to die? Or did they?
What is your opinion of DJDan & Tanya?
I don’t believe DJDan & Ta/onya are who they say they are. I believe their “shuttin’down the man” act is a cover. I think his show and website act as a conduit of information but I’m not sure if he works for Mittelwerk and his confederates or Rachel-Persephone (and I’m not convinced they are the same woman). Since the only characters named in the original phone call who haven’t come into play are
What is your opinion of Ironman?
He knows who
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